(Sinompu’uvan Kadazan Sabah)
The society shall be known as KADAZAN SOCIETY SABAH (KSS) in English or PERTUBUHAN KADAZAN SABAH in Bahasa Malaysia or SINOMPUUVAN KADAZAN SABAH in Kadazan, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Kadazan Society’.
2.1 The registered address of the Kadazan Society shall be Lot No. 2, 1st Floor, Block F, Sedco Shophouse, Donggongon New Township, 89500 Penampang, Sabah or at such other place or places as may be decided by the Supreme Council from time to time. Its postal address shall be P.O.Box 371, 89507 Penampang, Sabah.
2.2 The registered address and postal address of the Kadazan Society shall not be changed without the prior consent and approval of the Registrar of Societies.
The aims and objectives of the Kadazan Society shall be:-
4.1 To preserve, to maintain and to uphold the dignity of the Kadazan race as an indigenous ethnic in Sabah and KADAZAN is the accurate description of its name as a race.
4.2 To promote closer relationship and greater understanding and unity among the Kadazan race. At the same time to offer co-operation with other communal associations to foster and promote inter-racial harmony among the Malaysian citizens.
4.3 To undertake to identify the cultural and traditional practices which are detrimental to the progress of the Kadazan race and to adopt positive efforts to discard such practices.
4.4 To assist with greater efforts to develop and to preserve the traditions, customs, culture, economy and language of the Kadazan race.
4.5 To inculcate the culture and tradition with the desire to acquire knowledge through education to the highest level as a necessary asset to progress in all aspects of the Kadazan race.
4.6 To foster the love of literature, crafts, arts, music and to modernize the mindset of the Kadazan race to progress.
4.7 To acquire property, to dispose and invest in any venture as approved by the Supreme Council, hold fund raising activities in order to attain any one of its aims and objectives subject to the prior approval of the appropriate authority.
The Kadazan Society is a non-religious and non-political Association
A person belonging to an ethnic group indigenous to the State of Sabah in Malaysia who accepts, acknowledges and admits his or her origin, identity, ancestry, heritage or history as belonging to or having connection to the Kadazan ethnic group and includes but not limited to those who reside or domicile in countries other than Malaysia but share a common origin, identity, ancestry, heritage or history of the Kadazan ethnic group either through marriage or intermarriage but provided always that one of or either parent is of a Kadazan descendant shall be a Kadazan as defined hereof.
The phrase “having connection to” refers to a person of whom one of his or her parents is of a Kadazan descendant as defined hereof.
7.1 Any Kadazan residing in Sabah or otherwise, having attained the age of Eighteen (18) years and above is eligible for membership. For the purpose of exercising his rights to participate in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Kadazan Society, his membership needs to be formalized.
7.2 There shall be three (3) categories of membership:-
7.2.1 Ordinary Member
A Kadazan who is eligible for membership and has paid the prescribed entrance fee as provided under Article 11.1.
7.2.2 Honorary Member
Honorary Membership shall be conferred by the Supreme Council on person or persons who in the opinion of the Supreme Council deserves to be conferred with such membership. Persons conferred with such membership shall enjoy all the privileges of full membership save that such honorary member shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.
7.2.3 Life Member
Life Membership is accorded to any Ordinary Member or any Kadazan eligible for membership who subscribes a sum of Ringgit
7.3 No University / College or any higher institution of learning students shall be admitted as a Member of the Kadazan Society without the prior approval in writing from the Vice Chancellor of the University / College concerned.
8.1 Every application for an ordinary membership of the Kadazan Society shall be forwarded to the District Branch Secretary, who shall submit such application to the District Branch Committee for its approval. At its discretion, the District Branch Committee may reject an application for membership without giving any reason thereof. Application for membership in the districts where no branches have been established shall be dealt with in the same manner by the Secretary General and the Supreme Council.
8.2 Every applicant whose application has been approved as aforesaid shall upon payment of the prescribed entrance fee be admitted as member of the Kadazan Society.
11.1 The entrance fee for an Ordinary Member shall be Ringgit Malaysia Ten (RM10.00) only payable on application for membership.
11.2 The subscription fee for an Ordinary Member is Ringgit Malaysia Twelve (RM12.00) only per annum payable in advance before the month of March each year to the District Branch Treasurer or Treasurer General at the Kadazan Society’s Head Office.
11.3 An Honorary Member shall be exempted from payment of entrance and subscription fees.
11.4 Any member once conferred the title of “Life Membership” ceases to pay any subscription fee.
18.1 Any member of the Supreme Council is deemed to have vacated his office:-
18.1.1 upon contesting as a candidate for the position of State Assemblyman or Member of Parliament;
18.1.2 upon being elected / appointed to hold any political post or position in any registered political parties in Malaysia.
For Article 18.1.1 and 18.1.2 above, the provisions in Article 9 of this constitution shall apply.
18.2 He is adjudicated a bankrupt;
18.3 He is found to be of unsound mind by a court of competent jurisdiction;
18.4 By notice that he resigns from holding office;
18.5 He is absent from Three (3) consecutive meetings of the Supreme Council without special leave of absence from the President, subject to the Supreme Council passing a resolution that he has by reason of such absence vacated his office;
18.6 His subscription fees are in arrears for more than Three (3) years. The provision in Article 10.4 of this constitution shall apply.
18.7 He is absent from Malaysia for more than a year subject to the Supreme Council passing a resolution that he has by such reason vacated his office.
18.8 Upon vacation of office under any circumstances pursuant to this Article, the President, in consultation with the Supreme Council, may appoint anyone deemed suitable, appropriate or necessary to replace the person vacating office in the position left vacant and that person shall hold office as if he was elected or nominated to that position until the next Triennial Delegates Conference.
A member who has served Three (3) terms consecutively / continuously as the Kadazan Society President shall not be eligible to seek for presidential election in the Triennial Delegates Conference of the Kadazan Society.
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